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师说|How to be a good teacher?

2020-09 15

师说|How to be a good teacher?(图1)

  “严谨笃学,与时俱进,活到老,学到老”是力迈教师应有的终身学习观。新学期开始,力迈九华高中全体教师团队就“What is a good teacher”进行了演讲比赛,老师们积极参加,抒发己见。各学科组经过首轮展示及演讲,有七位老师脱颖而出。9月4日下午,老师们进行了第二轮演讲评比。在此过程中每位台下的老师也从不同方面和角度进行了学习,并对如何成为更好的老师有了深刻的认识。

  会后每个现场老师都进行了投票,经过激烈的角逐,最终理科组的Sharon Zhou老师荣获演讲冠军。

师说|How to be a good teacher?(图2)

  Sharon Zhou老师


  《How to be a good teacher?》

  当代教育家蔡元培先生曾说过:“要有良好的社会,必先有良好的个人;要有良好的个人,必先有良好的教育。” 那么我想,要想有良好的教育,必先有优秀的教师。(Cai Yuanpei, a revolutionary reformer of modern education, who was also the principle of Beijing University for over a decade, once said, To have a good society, you must first have good individuals, and to have a good individual, you must first have a good education. And I think, to have a good education, we must first have some good educators.以前我们常说,“要给学生一杯水,老师得有一桶水”(a teacher needs to have a buckets of water in order to give students a glass of water)但那是以前的说法了,现在我们怎么说呢?老师得是水龙头, 才能给学生一杯水。“要给学生一杯水,教师要有长流水”作为一名新时代的教师,要有终身学习的意识。一个成功的老师,必然是厚积而薄发;一个成功的教育者,一定是一个善于更新知识的学习者。As a teacher in the new era, we should all have the sense of lifelong learning. 要给学生一杯水,首先你自己的水必须是新鲜的。只有深入才能浅出,只有居高才能临下,不断的学习,使自己成为源头活水,才能满足学生的发展需要。In order to give our students a glass of fresh water, we must try to become the source of living water. Only through continuous leaning, that we can offer fresh water to our students, to meet their development needs.

师说|How to be a good teacher?(图3)

  陶行知先生曾说,“为师之道,端品为先,学高为师,身正为范”短短16个字道出了师范的真谛。韩愈在《师说》中有言,师者 所以传道授业解惑也(propagate the doctrine,impart professional knowledge,and resolve doubts)传道授业解惑只是最基本的要求,一名好老师对人生的影响是深远而持久的。 (A good teacher could have a profound and lasting influence on someone’s life. A good teacher is not just about teaching good lessons, but to give quality education in a real world senses.你或许记不得高中时背诵过的古诗词了,但你一定记得语文课上琢磨字词拼音时的摇头晃脑和语文老师讲课的语音语调,你或许也不记得英语语法和句型了,但是英语老师为你介绍的国外风土人情,却在你的心里扎下了根,想着有朝一日也要去看看外面的世界,数学老师给你讲的三角函数公式和推导过程呢?你肯定也记不全了,但你在逛商场的时候看到20%的牌子是却能准确的算出省了多少钱,甚至超能妈妈们已经把省下的钱换算成了孩子的奶粉、绘本、课外补习班。(You may not remember the articles and poems you read in high school, but you probably remember your teachers’ accents, the intonation and the body language when he or she read the text. You may not remember the words and phrases you learned in your second language class, but your probably still remember the foreign cultures and customs your teachers told you, and that perhaps had plant a seed in your heart, and made you want to go aboard and see the world. And Math? Trigonometric function formula and their derivation? You can't remember them all, but when you go to the mall and see 20% of the brands, you can accurately calculate how much money you have saved. 当我们作为成年人在回首学生时代的事情时,你往往记不得具体的知识点和上课的每一个细节了,但其实你所有的经历都融在了你的血液和灵魂中,化为了你的骨和肉。People will forget what you’ve said, what you’ve done, but people will never forget how you made them feel. When we look back to our student life, we probably can’t remember many details, but everything we’ve been thru has become an integral part of us.

师说|How to be a good teacher?(图4)

  教育的根本问题是,要培养出什么样的人的问题,这决定了我们用什么去培养和怎样去培养。(The fundamental question of education is what kind of man we want to produce, which determines the way of how we produce him) 陶行知先生曾说过这样一句话:“你的教鞭下有瓦特,你的冷眼里有牛顿,你的讥笑中有爱迪生。” 才学,是教师的根本,德行,是教师的灵魂;而爱,才是教师的实质. Being a teacher, having a high level of Knowledge of your subject matter is fundamental, moral integrity is the soul, but love is the essence/core.)我们所面临的学生是社会的未来,塑造学生就是在塑造社会的未来。你想让你的后代生活在怎样的环境中,你就应当如何去教育你的学生。(The students we are teaching today are the future of our society. As we educate our students, we are actually shaping the future of our society. Teachers should set good examples for the students to follow, and influence them with practical actions.)

师说|How to be a good teacher?(图5)

  那么具体来说如何成为一名优秀的教师呢?优秀的教师应当具备怎样的基本素质呢?so that are some of the qualities that good teachers share in common? So let‘s think about a great teacher in your life. And why do you think he/she is a great teacher? you can try to fill in the blank yourself.

  1 Celebrate Mistakes

  there will always be some students make mistakes in your class. And what should we do then? Get frustrated? Upset or angry about them? No no.. we should celebrate it. If they already know everything, there’s no need for us to be here. Recall when we were students, how nerves we were when we were asked to answer questions or give a board presentation in class, or how frustrated we were when we didn’t perform well in the exams. 再优秀的学生也有犯错误的时候,当你看到上课讲过的题目又错,看似很简单的知识点一个暑假回来全忘记了,作为老师你会感到生气、愤怒、沮丧,甚至开始惩罚学生吗?学生犯错误的时候其实是在给我们第二次讲解知识点的机会,称之为“可教育瞬间” They’re kids, it’s very natural for them to make mistakes. So next time when they make a mistake, call it “teachable moments”, and I guarantee you you’ll feel much better.

  2 Appreciate difference

  “因材施教”这四个字,即使放到今天也是值得我们反复琢磨的。我们每个人的个人经历都不同,也由此形成了每个人独一无二的教学风格。老师尚且如此,就更不要说学生了,现在的学生都是十分有个性的,尊重差异,因材施教就显得尤为重要。We often say don’t judge others cuz you haven’t been through their lives. Every single one in this room is different. We come from different backgrounds, and we have different life experiences and that would of course make us have different teaching styles. Be able to appreciate the differences is very important. Sometimes teachers are not just educators, we are also learners. We can actually learn a lot from our students. From a macroscopic perspective, children have this amazing ability that they are the true reflection of our society. How they were raised resulted in the way they behave. That tells us exactly what improvements we ought to make. And from a microscopic scale, each student has his unique way of solving the problem and viewing the world. We can’t teach them well if we don’t know them well.

  3 Respect feedback

  注重反馈。这也是与线上教学相比,传统教学最主要的优势之一,双向的沟通和交流。In my class, feedback is very important. And I think that’s one of the greatest benefits of a traditional classroom, the two-way communication. Students of mine know how much I enjoy giving encouragements. During my lecture, I would constantly ask students questions, some are simply so I can get their answer and give some time to the students who needs extra thinking time. Sometimes they’re challenging, so I could show the top students what the next level look like. By doing this, we’re promoting positive behaviors and changes in the classroom.

  4 Exam themselves

  As the saying goes, the unexamined life is not worth living (Socrates). (未经审视的人生不值得过) We’re all so good at giving lectures and testing our students, but sometimes we should also stop and exam ourselves.

师说|How to be a good teacher?(图6)

  德国哲学家雅斯贝尔斯在《什么是教育》一书中说,教育的本质是一朵云推动另一朵云,一棵树摇动另一棵树,一个灵魂唤醒另一个灵魂。Let me close my speech with a quote from Socrates, “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think” Thank you!
